Reincarnation Available at level 30 self only (only works for the shaman casting the spell) 30-minute cooldown, able to be reduced to 10.Ancestral Spirit First available at level 12 may not be cast in combat.Revive First available at level 12 may not be cast in combat.Rebirth First available at level 20 also known as a "combat rez," the only non-self rez spell that can be used during combat has a 10-minute cooldown.Redemption First available at level 12 may not be cast in combat.Resurrection First available at level 10 may not be cast in combat.There's a specific etiquette that's risen up around rezzes, as well, so take note and don't get caught looking like a chump. Now that the dungeon finder makes running instance groups so easy for a leveling player, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the alternatives for coming back to life. Some classes have rezzes that work only on themselves.

Some classes can resurrect only outside of combat one class can rez even in the heat of battle.

Death is far from permanent in Azeroth, and over time, the available methods of resurrection ("rezzing") have multiplied. It ain't over 'til it's over - and in World of Warcraft, it ain't over 'til every player has used the last resurrection cooldown and trick. New around here? See all our collected tips, tricks and how-to's for new players in the WoW Rookie Guide.