For example, if Germany gets into a civil war via the Oppose Hitler focus, the German Junta will get the GER tag and the facists will get the D01 tag. Mod «BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod» for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.

For example, you want to use the code annex country tag, which annexes any country in your favor.Lets say the target is Belgium. These are abbreviated names of states that are widely used in console teams. "The Tuvans have outrageously refused to merge with the Soviet Union! What such a pitiful nation could possibly hope to accomplish on its own is a mystery that may never be answered.Every new country (with civil war or new focus) WILL GET ID : "D№". List of country tags for cheats on Hearts of Iron 4. To sum it up, the text that perhaps best evokes the remarkable opportunities that await you as Tannu Tuva is the text of the event the Soviets get if you refuse their irresistible proposal of annexation: In fact, since you have been sitting on their core for six years anyways, they'll let you be. However, even if you refuse, absolutely nothing happens, because nobody cares about Tannu Tuva, not even the people that wanted to annex it - the Soviets get no wargoal, no opinion modifier, nothing. Now, as you slowly settle down in your armchair and start leading glorious Tannu Tuva, in about six years time (assuming you haven't quit out of boredom before that, in which case I'm scared of you), the Soviet Union will confront you with an offer you can't refuse - full annexation. This is also probably the reason you don't have a starting general, because nobody in their right mind would consider sending unfortunate Tuvans into battle with sharpened sticks (except for YOU, you genocidal dictator).

Your geopolitical starting position also means you have absolutely no expansion opportunities, unless you feel like destroying your country's hard-fought independence in a split-second as Soviet forces that outnumber your entire population massacre every adult men, and you can't offer much help to the glorious Red Army either, because your army consists of a few hundred tribesmen armed with sharpened sticks which the local Communist propaganda bureau euphemistically dubbed "basic infantry equipment." Your R&D efforts are hampered by the main laboratory being situated in a yurt, leaving you with only two research slots and no starting technologies, save for the aforementioned sharpened sticks. While the game claims you have two chromium resources, these are in fact concentrated in the exquisite hood ornament adorning the car of comrade Ivanovich, the Soviet ambassador, and are thus entirely unfit for use in any sort of military projects. A 1SM tucked away between two Comintern countries and Sinkiang in the coldest, darkest, most boring region on Earth, when you assume leadership of this prosperous nation, Liberia will feel like an OECD top 10 country, especially when you realize you're landlocked with only 85k population.