Unfortunately this doesn’t do anything for sorting through the world quests. There is still hope for people who create a lot of groups: the addon Premade Auto Accept brings back the auto accept button - and it still works, at the time of writing. Since these pit you against a buffed up monster some classes and specs have trouble soloing them - especially if you only recently got to max level and don’t have a lot of power yet. Addons like that took a lot of the hassle out of tackling some of the tougher world quests, like the Elite Wardens and Argus kill target quests. And without the ability for addons or players to automatically accept people into groups, raid leaders will have to get used to inviting up to 40 players individually for Invasions and World Bosses. This is a huge change to solo players who relied on addons like World Quest Group Finder to party up with other people. Addons are unable to automatically search for groups, automatically accept players, or copy and paste into the search bar, which addons used to make groups. This week, Blizzard has made some changes to the way the Premade Group Finder in World of Warcraft works.