But once it’s set up, you can use these codes by simply copying and pasting them. They require special third party software that changes your score and provides you with weapons. These codes for Borderlands 2 are not a simple plug-and-play. Have you ever wondered how your friends got all those shiny weapons with cool settings? Well, maybe they went to some trouble or just used the gun codes I’m going to share with you.

In this article I made a basic list of all weapon codes on Borderlands 2.

But who am I kidding? You probably already know everything, and you’ve come to get the sweet weapons of Borderlands 2 that you can get through the codes. In fact, since the release of Borderland 3 in 2019, it has aroused new interest among players. The acclaimed game Borderlands 2 has been around for 8 years and people still play video games.